Friday, March 26, 2010



The brief of this project was to research, design, and make a front cover, double page spread and a contents page for a music magazine.

At first we had to find and research the codes conventions of a music magazine front cover, double page spread and contents page. In order to find these conventions I looked at various magazines of different genres such as Mojo, Kerrang! and Hip – Hop Connections. My main focus was on Kerrang! and Hip – Hop Connections because my magazine genre is a cross between the two.

The most used conventions, which I noticed, on a wide range of magazines are:
Mastheads- Every magazine has a masthead, this is the main element of any magazine because it shows the reader what they are reading and the genre of the magazine. I chose my masthead name as Hip – Rock Connection, this is because it is a magazine of both of these genres and I based on the Hip – Hop Connections magazine.

Photos- Every magazine has some sort of photograph on the cover, this photograph usually has some sort of reference to the main story contained within the magazine. Photographs on most of the magazines I researched are usually medium close – ups mainly because they show facial expressions as well as body language. The photo I used front cover is a medium two shot, I liked the idea of having two people in my photo, one to represent the hip – hop genre and the other to represent the rock genre.

Stories- Again, every magazine I have researched has the inside stories mentioned on the cover. These stories are used to catch the reader’s attention and make them want to buy the magazine. They give an idea of what will be included in the magazine.

For my planning I already had a rough idea of what I wanted to do so I drew a few pencil sketches and posted the ones I was happy with on my blog.

Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page. I followed the Layout design for the contents page and i did not have to change it at all, unlike my front cover which had to be changed in order to get the main picture to fit in nicely.
I am happy with this contents page.

Final Double Page Spread

This is my Double page spread, I stuck to the layout design at got the outcome i hoped for.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is my contents page layout, again it is simple and effective.
By using a big picture it attracts the readers attentions and makes them want to read whats inside.

This is the draft layout for my final front cover.
I chose this because it is simple and effective and it gets the main articles across to the audience.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Final Front Cover

This is my finished front cover, as you can see i had to change the format from what i had drafted up on the computer, this was because I asked many people if they thought is was effected and they recommended I only have one article to attract the readers attention.